Non-invasive oxygen devices
- Face mask 2. Nasal prone 3. Venture mask 4. Re-breathing mask 5. Non-rebreathing mask.
- 71-year-old female patient presented with shortness of breath (SOB), conscious oriented. She denies any chest pain. She was using accessory muscle while breathing and she look tried. cannot lie flat, tachypneic, chest crepitus. Patient with 5L of o2 via face mask, spo2-90% with O2 5L. Recurrent admission with pulmonary oedema.
Abnormal disturbances of airway, breathing &circulation patterns.
Airway diseases affect the tubes that carry oxygen and other gases into and out of the lungs. Airway diseases usually result in narrowing or blocking of the passageways. Lung tissue diseases affect the structure of lung tissue and result in scarring or inflammation of the lung tissue. This, in turn, makes breathing difficult. Lung circulation diseases occur when the blood vessels in the lungs become clotted, inflamed, or scarred. These diseases affect the ability of the lungs to receive oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, and they may affect the functioning of the heart.
Recognize change from patient’s normal breathing and circulation pattern.
Patient was having shortness of breath, spo2=83%, RR=28bpm. Shallow and deep breathing. She was using accessory muscle while breathing and she look tried. cannot lie flat, tachypneic, chest crepitus. Capillary refill. PaO2=45, PCO2= 60.
Considering possible factors contributing to abnormal findings
Shortness of breath can result from a range of problems, including an allergic reaction, an anxiety attack, or anemia. But most often, the underlying cause is a heart or lung condition.
(Harvard University,2021)
Determining adequacy of oxygenation
- patient’s condition improved.
- Capillary refill
- Rate, rhythm, and respirations within normal. No signs of shortness of breath.
- No use of accessory muscles.
- Normal breathing sounds.
- Improving in patient ABG result > Po2>60, PCO2 35-45, PH= 7.35-7.45.
1.Healio (2021). What are respiratory disorders. Retrieved from:
- Gossman, W., Alghoula, F., & Berim, I. (2019). Anoxia (hypoxic hypoxia). In StatPearls [Internet]. Stat Pearls Publishing. Retrieved from:
- Harvard University (2021). Shortness of breath: A common symptom with many possible causes. Retrieved from: